Career Options In Digital Marketing
What is the scope in digital marketing?
There is a sudden wave of digitalization all across the globe. Every field of work is associating itself to the digital aspect in some way or the other. Almost all the companies around the world and especially in big cities like Bangalore are heading towards having an online portal of expanding their establishment on the web.
So, this urge everywhere in India and particularly in digital marketing companies in Bangalore to build up digitally is quite progressive in any sector per se now. This kind of expansion is also creating a lot of job opportunities in the process. As per the reports, the digital economy is also showing around ten times faster growth compared to the regular economy of the country. You just need to brush up your skills a little and you are ready to enter the world of digital marketing.
The Roles in Digital Marketing
Digital marketing offers you a wide spectrum of job opportunities to choose from. You might be a programming expert to choose web designing or you can be interested in writing in get into the content writing job. So, basically there is something for everybody in the field of digital marketing. There are a basic range of the available job profiles in digital marketing field, which can be enlisted as:
A person working under this profile will have to handle the development of a web page to all the features available on it and aim towards making the website user friendly for the customer’s convenience. One must have a knowledge of programming in fields like java, html and web designing to get this role.

The responsibility of this particular group of people is to market their website as good as they can. You need to be able to make your website the most frequently searched and high on Google ranks to create a wider approach for the company to it’s customers.

The job of this sector is to handle the inflow of advertisements for their website. The ads must be irritating at times as a customer, but for the company’s finances it is necessary to handle the ads cleverly so that they are relevant for the customers.

Handling Facebook and Twitter accounts is not the only job a social media manager, unlike the popular belief. A person must be very creative and updated about all the trending plans on current basis. According to the trends you have to make strategies for the enhancement of your company’s policies and potray the social media profiles in a more attractive manner.

This position requires you to be an expert at attracting the customers through your words and the way you frame a good article or blog for the web page. You must always be thriving to write better than what is available on the internet and keep your work exclusive and unique which will help the web page go viral in no time.

E-commerce Manager
This is a job post with high responsibilities. A person has to handle the entire financial aspect of the company through digital marketing. So , you must have an expertise at accounting and finances. The person also has to manage and make strategies to improve the income of their company digitally.

Being the Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore, we always thrive to provide the best content and insights to our users on how to generate more leads and sales and how to hack users attention online
Digital Marketing Director
It can be said that this is the highest position in the field of digital marketing. A person should have a very good experience in digital marketing of atleast 6-8 years to be eligible for this post. This is a job with high authoritarian rights and responsibilities, as you have to manage all the aspects involved in the digital marketing of your company and make sure the company keeps flourishing throughout.
The above stated profiles are the ones which a the most popular in digital marketing and hold a good position. There are a few more posts in this field like – e-mail marketing manager, CRM manager, analytical manager, digital agency account manager etc. It is basically a huge pond of opportunities which you have to fish through as per your own interest and requirements.
How to Start in the Field of Digital Marketing?
There is no specific degree or certificate to get into digital marketing as such. You just need to have an experience in the field you are choosing and you must be well versed with all the aspects that job profile holds. It only makes your chances and status better if you have certificates for the job post you are applying to get. It is a job that does not necessarily require you to work in a specific way at a specific time always, you can work at your own convenience most of the times. It also gives you a great opportunity to start off as a fresher and gain experience in your area of interest and expertise.
How Much Can You Earn Through Digital Marketing?
The kind of payment you receive completely depends on the firm you are working with and the post that you hold in the company. Your job profile is also a very important aspect to determine the final pay scale. Although, you can be ensured that for most of the times you will get a payment worth the hardwork and efforts that you put in. Most of the companies which hire people for digital marketing jobs also have a policy where there is obviously a higher pay scale for the more experienced employees as compared to the freshers. You can always get a salary hike through your great performance and Excellent management of your work.