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4 Major Skills a Social Media Marketer must have in 2021

4 Major Skills a Social Media Marketer must have in 2019

Social Media is an amazing career. Everyone wants to be a part of it (As it is Highly Paid if you do a good job and get an excuse to be on Social Media for long hours). But, the times have changed. You now need to have these 10 skills in order to become a NINJA of Social Media in 2018. We have listed 10 Skills which a Social Media Marketer must have in order to deliver results to their clients in 2018. We at our Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore take people based on the following attributed too. Let’s dive in-

1) You Should be Good at Copywriting-

This is important, that’s why it is on top. Look, People on Social Media don’t have time. They scroll very fast. Your Job is to stop them and give them a reason to read your message. The art of copywriting can make your brand or your client’s brand unforgettable. If you don’t know to a copywriter or want to develop skills related to it, You can use Hemmingway App which helps you eliminate the unnecessary stuff and get to the point. All the best for your Copywriting endeavors 🙂

2) You must have knowledge of SEO-

Ok Ok! I am not saying to go and learn Advanced SEO by Purchasing the courses, Just make sure that you know how Social Media Shares, likes and Comments affect SEO. They don’t affect directly, but indirectly. Learn SEO and make sure that you monitor your SERP results too. If you want to know the SEO which is effective in 2018. Visit Neil Patel’s Guide. He is one of the best out there when it comes to SEO and Content Marketing. You can also visit Brian Dean(One more person which is killing it with SEO). We at our Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, believe that SEO and Social Media must go hand in hand. Let’s dive to the next point-

Being the  Top Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore, we always thrive to provide the best content and insights to our users on how to generate more leads and sales and how to hack users attention online

3) Design, Creativity and Photo-editing Skills-

Ok Ok! I am not saying to go and learn Advanced SEO by Purchasing the courses, Just make sure that you know how Social Media Shares, likes and Comments affect SEO. They don’t affect directly, but indirectly. Learn SEO and make sure that you monitor your SERP results too. If you want to know the SEO which is effective in 2018. Visit Neil Patel’s Guide. He is one of the best out there when it comes to SEO and Content Marketing. You can also visit Brian Dean(One more person which is killing it with SEO). We at our Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, believe that SEO and Social Media must go hand in hand. Let’s dive to the next point-

4) Analytics and Reporting-

It is important to analyze and report well. It is not rocket science and can be developed by anyone. You just have to look at the metrics which are important for your business or your client’s business and optimize according to them in order to achieve your goals and objectives faster. You can use Google Analytics or Konnet Insights to get information about your Social Media. Google won’t give you full information, but whatever they give, is important in many ways. We at our Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, make sure that our team does a thorough Analytics and Reporting for our clients. It is IMPORTANT. That’s All. Now go execute and make that Brand Viral and Successful on Social Media.


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